Included in Electronic Publishing are these Bellcore applications:
Adapt/X Advertiser:
An interactive system that brings advertisers and publishers together on the Web and provides interactive advertising to a targeted audience. Its sophisticated proprietary algorithms allow the user to tailor the selection and composition of these interactive ads.
Adapt/X Harness:
A suite of products forming an information and knowledge integration platform and tool kit. Gives users the power to quickly find, organize and distribute vast amounts of information on the Web.
Adapt/X Rater:
High-throughput, real time rating and discounting functions for Web-based services and operation in a secure environment. Computes customer prices and discounts rapidly for both retail products and information services.
Adapt/X S/Key:
A one time password authentication software product that helps protect computer net works and their users against theft. Protects sensitive data from Internet security breach.
Electronic Commerce || Advertising and Marketing || Intranet || Electronic Publishing || Security